Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are you ready?

You know how a long distance foot race turns into a sprint at the end? This process has been quite the marathon, but the end is near and the heat is on. Literally. I turned on 2 space heaters Friday afternoon, and it's probably a toasty 60 F or so in there even with the cold outside.

The drywall hangers are starting tomorrow morning. Once they are done finishing and texturing the walls, we will start painting and chasing with flooring. Some tile and carpet is already ordered and we will order the remaining flooring this week. We will start in the kitchen and bathrooms to have the most time for the cabinets.

So if you're interested in seeing our progress first hand, have skills in painting or setting tile, and have some available time on a weekend or evening in the near future, let us know and we'll put you to work.

Here is a photo from one corner of the living room looking towards the stairway and kitchen. Things should look a lot different tomorrow night.

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