Sunday, October 25, 2009

Painting is Fun

Quite a bit of paint has gone on in the last few days. We started spraying primer on Thursday night. More primer Friday night and a few ceilings got their first coat sprayed over the primer before the sprayer had a temporary breakdown. Saturday morning, Debbi showed up early and started helping paint the laundry room pink. Michele demanded one pink room, and this is it. The walls in the rest of the house are all the same color, but not pink. The title is "Patience", and has been compared to a vanilla milk shake. We also completed building the short retaining wall on the SW corner of the house. It still needs to be backfilled when the weather allows.

On Sunday, we attempted to move some dirt into and around the garage footings that were poured last week. It was fairly muddy still after the 3"+ of rain that we have received in the last week. We worked on the short retaining wall off of the NW corner of the house today also. It too is ready for backfill. Painting continued inside the house. The 2nd coat is on in many places, and the first coat is on everywhere.

Special thanks for the last week of work in approximate order of appearance:
Caruth Construction for making quick work of the garage footings.
Jon's parents for help with cleanup in preparation for paint.
Michele for all of her hard work: taping off windows, painting, cleanup, etc.
My Dad for running my many errands and picking up several things on Friday.
Debbi for high quality painting work and for bringing her own painting tools.
Anthony Moeller for his work on COMPLETING the basement patio pavers.
Myra for bringing tools and painting for hours on Saturday and coming back for even more on Sunday.
Laura for painting and cleanup on Saturday.
Justin for doing a better job than me at spraying the ceilings and help on the retaining wall.
My Dad for all of his hard work and heavy lifting on the retaining walls. And mini dumptruck.
My Mom for painting well past her desired stopping point today.
Steve for moving a lot of dirt through the impossible muck.
Jana for painting. (Like a madwoman)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Drywall Day 3

These pictures show drywall progress at the end of drywall day 3. The stairwell area will be fun to watch change. Painting can start a week from today...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yay Drywall !

So, it's messy but really defines the space. At first things seemed considerably smaller than I remembered, but gradually got bigger while we inspected everything. I think it will feel even bigger once there is furniture.

Here are a few shots of the main living space. They worked until about 7pm tonight and I think they should have everything hung out tomorrow morning.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are you ready?

You know how a long distance foot race turns into a sprint at the end? This process has been quite the marathon, but the end is near and the heat is on. Literally. I turned on 2 space heaters Friday afternoon, and it's probably a toasty 60 F or so in there even with the cold outside.

The drywall hangers are starting tomorrow morning. Once they are done finishing and texturing the walls, we will start painting and chasing with flooring. Some tile and carpet is already ordered and we will order the remaining flooring this week. We will start in the kitchen and bathrooms to have the most time for the cabinets.

So if you're interested in seeing our progress first hand, have skills in painting or setting tile, and have some available time on a weekend or evening in the near future, let us know and we'll put you to work.

Here is a photo from one corner of the living room looking towards the stairway and kitchen. Things should look a lot different tomorrow night.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Faster Than it Seems

Day to day things don't seem to move that quickly, but at the end of the week we are sometimes surprised all that has happened. Within the last week, the siding has finished on the West side, gutters are up and connected to the drain tile, ductwork is complete, electrical wiring is almost complete, and the chimney is completed from the basement through the roof.

On Saturday, our friends Aron and Myra came to help prepare for the roof insulators. We (mostly they) stuffed fiberglass insulation in the space between the top of the wall and the roof sheathing. This way when the expanding foam is sprayed on the bottom side of the roof, it won't blow all over everywhere.

The inside will really start to take shape next Monday when the drywall is hung.