Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Progress

Since Thursday, a lot has happened. After all of the prep work leading up to it, Michele's Dad and brother Andrew got a long ways on the siding on the South and East sides on Friday before they had to go attend to their own responsibilities. Probably a good 3 hours and those 2 sides will be done. The North side has the dreaded electric meter to go around and the West side needed to have the retaining walls put up first. I have been pretty sick for about a week, and nearly useless as I tried to get better and just keep up with the questions and decisions.

This weekend, I was feeling better, and we worked on the retaining wall for the walkout basement patio on the West side. Saturday and Sunday were prep work. Today we worked until dark and have 5 courses of block up, and a good start on the stairs leading out of it. We were too busy to keep up with photos of that.

We'll start on the garage soon...

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