Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random info.

Life has been a bit crazy for us. Since our last post:
  • We've been in the process of packing our duplex and moving in with Jon's parents. Our lease is officially up on Saturday so I still have some time to finish up. I need to clean and then we should be done. My mom is going to come up to help!!! As we packed and moved most of our stuff fits into one room of Aron and Myra's house. We are so lucky to have such amazing friends who are willing to store so much for months.
  • We have stairs!!! I know this sounds silly but I really wanted the stairs put in. Brett came out and put them in for us.
  • Jon and his cousin Matt put tar paper on the roof. After some of the recent storms about half is left.
  • Framing has started. We've got most of the basement done and are about to move on to the upstairs. Jon took off Monday to get the framing going. It was a fun day for me also, I got to babysit Jon's cousin's son.

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