Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kenyon Reunion

Babies of 2010

C uties!

Late night cardboard boat building

Great uncle Richard

Good Times

A few weeks ago Claire and I went to my parents for the weekend. Claire had a great time playing with the cats! She also got to spend some time with Abby, the daughter of my friend Pam.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Claire Bear

My parents came up last week to watch Claire so I could go to a meeting at school on Thursday then go to some city wide garage sales with me. My dad decided he and Claire would tag along with us on Friday. At one of the sales we went to Claire saw this Care Bear and just lit up! My dad of course had to get it for her. Two dollars later we had a happy baby who was ecstatic!

My dad had his fill of garage sales, he stayed with Claire at our house on Saturday!


Claire has become much more mobile in the last week. She can pull herself up using almost anything. Once she's standing she has started to get more daring and will let go for a bit or walk holding on. The picture above is her refusal to nap. We'll see how long the crib is able to contain her.

Great Grandma

Great Grandma Kenyon (Jon's mom's mom) came to visit on Memorial Day, so we had to get a four generation picture.


Claire loves to be outside especially if it means seeing and touching animals. Grandma Hand also lets her eat apples like a big girl

Happy Birthday Lilly! (Yes we know it was in May)

For cousin Lilly's birthday she got a new house and lots of cool toys that she let me play with!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5 lb Burger Video

I think I got the video figured out... and here are some photos that show the size.

Yes, we will put pictures of Claire up very soon.

Monday, May 30, 2011

5lb Burger - Success!!

After too much thought and planning, the 5lb burger was finally attempted today and success was enjoyed.

First, the bun was baked - a loaf for the top and a loaf for the bottom, each made in a 14" pizza pan. Then, approximately 5lbs of hamburger was put in a bowl. Then a second bowl that it actually fit in. (93% hamburger from Fareway was used to limit the shrinkage during grilling, hopefully to prevent the burger from pulling itself apart as it cooked. The burger did lose about 1" from it's original 14" diameter during cooking.) Barbecue sauce, onion flakes, seasoning salt, ground pepper, and garlic powder were all added to make a wonderfully flavorful hamburger.

The burger made it through the entire cooking process in one piece and was cut with a large knife to be shared by many. Unfortunately, not nearly enough photos were taken to show the event, but there is some video. I will try to get that up in the future.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Favorite Things

With parenthood I've noticed my "favorite things" have changed. One of my new favorite items is a bib. This is no ordinary bib it is amazing. Thank you Lisa for giving us our first one. I have since bought two more making a grand total of three. You might be wondering if this is so wonderful why do you need 3? Well... one lives at the babysitters, one is at home and the other one is a spare that is currently at grandma and grandpa's.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beached Whale

Claire has really taken to rolling to her tummy this week. She is very proud of this accomplishment. Unfortunately the pride is short lived when she realizes she can't get back to her back or go anywhere else. This morning her rolling woke her up from her nap. It's fun to see her learn new things, maybe this means we should start thinking about baby proofing...