Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Outside Views

Finally, some photos of the mostly finished house. We still need to extend a few retaining walls and put in some flower gardens, but hey, how much fun is a completed project anyway? These photos are: view from our driveway at the road, walking towards the main door we use, and the back side.

We hope to have photos to share of a very important person soon, but she hasn't arrived yet to be photographed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

35 weeks....and counting

This morning we had a doctor's appointment. As usual the baby's heartbeat was all over the place. It seems like every time they check for her heartbeat she starts to kick and move around much more than normal. For the first time today my blood pressure was up. I think it was because they actually called be back at my scheduled time and it was the one time Jon was late! They checked again before I left the office and it was back to normal. We will now be starting weekly appointments.

Before I left Ames I stopped by school to see if my student tables and chairs have arrived. They haven't...maybe the janitor is right and the kids will be doing their work picnic style for the first few days of school (the kids come on the 19th and I start workdays on the 16th). The bright side of stopping in was my laminating was done so I was able to grab it to cut out at home.

After school I headed over to the Teske's. Jon had picked them some sweet corn last night. It's funny to see three kids get so excited about corn! When I was there the baby started kicking so I had Gabriella come and feel it. It was fun to see her 2 year old amazement at what she was experiencing, I think that is when she really understood that there was a baby in there. While I was there Lisa also gave me two tubs of clothes for Baby Girl Hand to be and a tub of toys. We also talked about getting the crib and car seat (a job for our husbands). It is wonderful to have such amazing friends!