Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

Yes, it has been a while since we lasted posted. Life has been busy. As most know we are pregnant. 15 weeks along and hopefully the puking is behind us. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to check on little Hand to be. Anyway.....back to my original topic.

I have had this past week off for Spring Break. It is wonderful to have time off. I have spent the week doing various things. On Monday I was lazy, it was great. Tuesday I took on the Teske trio so mom and dad could get some moving tasks done. It was a fun day but I was exhausted. The highlight of the day, well for Gabriella at least was going to see the cows. She loved it! After we got back she kept wanting to go back. We finally told her the cows were asleep and we couldn't wake them up. Yesterday and today I have been enjoying the sunshine. I spent some quality time in the yard aka dirt. I picked up many hand fulls of nails and construction debris. I also attempted to rake rocks back onto the driveway. It's not really obvious the amount of time I spent working but it was great to be out in the sunshine.