Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby steps

The waiting game continues. Still, some small yet important steps have been taken so far.

This past Thursday and Friday, we put in 80 ft of driveway. First filter fabric, then crushed limestone. The fabric is there to keep the rock from sinking into the mud below, and crushed limestone just looks so nice. It's still a little loose, and we'll have to see how it will all settle together.

We also met with the contractor who will be putting in the concrete walls. They will be ICF's (insulated concrete forms) for the basement and the upper exterior walls. He made some suggestions for changes in the landscaping to make some things work out better.

We also put in our mailbox post. We decided to put our name and address on the mailbox before we put that on, but the hard part is done. I tried to tip it to match the neighbor's mailbox as best as I could.

Major things we are still waiting on before moving forward much more: the bank's appraiser, and the county sanitarian. The bank has approved our credit for the loan amount we are requesting, but is waiting on their appraiser to verify that our house should be worth more than we want to borrow to build it. I guess that they are very busy due to many people refinancing their houses recently. The county sanitarian is waiting for the frost to be out to verify where we can have our septic field. This must be done before we can apply for the building permit from the county. It may also determine how deep the basement can be and still maintain a gravity flow septic system. (Otherwise we have to have electricity to flush the toilet.)

So, the beautiful weather that we've been having lately has been more than a little frustrating to me, as we are still waiting on a few things to start on our house project.

Here are a couple of photos of part of the new beautiful driveway.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Yesterday I celebrated being 25. When Jon asked what I wanted, I responded with two things-the loan and a finished coffee table. I got the table. I think it's beautiful (I can't wait for it to be in our house...) We're waiting to put handles on the drawers until we're in the house so they can match our other stuff. My first graders think it's "awesome" making them another group of kids who think Jon can build anything.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


As most know, I can get really impatient about things I want. Which has made this past month difficult. We had to just wait for people to get back to us. We finally have enough of our quotes back that we can go to the bank to start the loan process. Jon is planning to go this Wednesday. It's exciting to again be making progress. Now we just need everything at the bank to go smoothly and wait for the frost to be out of the ground. Warm weather.....

Jon is finishing the coffee table he "gave" me for Christmas last year. I'm excited to see it come together. He should be finished sometime this week. I know a coffee table isn't a chair but I think he's ready to build a house... (long story-Jana tells it best)